17 October 2008

October party!

October, what's in your mind?
Exam is coming?
Sushi King Promotion?
Petrol price drops again?

There is always a reason to celebrate a party, and here we have...
JKEES 1st yr birthday party for those born in October, 1989 or 1988.
I'm glad to see a total of 32 JKEESan (including the camera man) r involved in this party.

16 October 2008

Sistem Penilaian Kompetensi Generik

We have to do the penilaian before 26 of Oct. Click HERE to do the penilaian.

13 October 2008

Birthday event for Siong n' KH

Siong's Birthday last year, so I Sepia it to avoid confusing. He had his cake half only.
Again, in 2008, he had his another half cake. Two 50% make up to be a 100% perfect. So, no one is perfect even is the cake.
Last week, KH's birthday, he is a bit luckier than Siong does, see from the picture above, he had an additional of 2 more slices than Siong.
However, I still don't know why KH looked so sad.

Happy Birthday, brothers.

p/s: sorry for the late posting.

12 October 2008


For 1st year and who ever stays in College you must do Pengesahan Penginapan. Please visit http://www.ukm.my/upp to do so. Is you do not certified they will charge u RM25.00.

10 October 2008


All jkeesan remember to do your penilaian kursus. Just simply click the link below or u can go to smpweb then click SPPK.